I have added patches for Kernel 4.14.32
The wifibroadcast source can als be compiled on other platforms, only platform-dependent thing is the wiringpi library which can be easily removed in the makefile (If I remember correctly, only...
The wifibroadcast tx (as well as my further developed tx_rawsock) basically just send out what they receive on stdin, so if you can pipe your OpenCV output into it somehow...
There are no instructions as I just made changes to the image and did not document them apart from the changelog. Instructions on howto make the changes would need to...
Sorry, I never wrote that down (and in retrospect I found out that there is no version number or similar inside the Raspbian images ...) What I remember is, that...
say, what are you guys installing there exactly? Gstreamer is already installed (used for encapsulating the raw h264 video for missionplanner) and there is no package called "gstreamer1.0"
I have explained that tee/ftee/fifo thing sometime ago on the rcgroups thread (for telemetry but it's the same principle for video), if you search for my username and 'ftee' or...
> Thank you very much! I think I found it. For better reference I will link it here: . I meant this one, it describes the telemetry part, but...
Sorry I have no idea about gstreamer. In general, check cpuload when doing things in software. Regarding the latency and wbc: with 8/4/1024 fec it'll wait until it has 8x1024bytes...
@careyer What bitrate do you get from the flir cam? Is it correct, that it puts out 10 160x120 jpegs per second? That doesn't sound like much. @ivanskj Maybe it...