Hi, The app should probably have a way to select what IP address it should use to serve the files. I have an openvpn tunnel setup while I'm trying to...
**Describe the bug** I have found using addon mode on OSMC with a pi 4 has been extremely unstable, but thats not what I'm reporting here. Not wanting to spend...
It seems that even if you add the full certificate chain to the p12 file, the https server only serves out the server certificate. This breaks iOS clients if your...
I noticed that the newsblur.log did not appear to be honoring its maxBytes setting in I believe the fix for this is to add backupCount into that log stanza....
Please allow the clipboard export to use the other formats that are found in the regular file export. For example, I'd really like to be able to export the whole...
## Describe the bug When attempting to connect to Ampache with Tempo, the application crashes ## Expected behavior Not crashing ## To Reproduce Point tempo to Ampache Attempt to select...