Robo Dude
Robo Dude
I can run the demo of run_deep_highmpc as well as saving the animation perfectly. However, I cannot save the animation with the file after uncommenting the following[ lines]( ```...
In this [step](, after running ``` roslaunch ros_gp_mpc gp_mpc_wrapper.launch recording:=True dataset_name:=gazebo_dataset environment:=gazebo flight_mode:=random n_seeds:=10 ``` I got ``` [INFO] [1621006778.605474]: Attempting to load GP model from: git: name: meta: {'gazebo':...
After using `bff-viewer`, I found the desired projection from 3D to 2D surface. How could I save the projected surface? and how can I export the correspondence/relation of the mapping?
I use this source with an Arduino Uno board, I have a problem with the calibration of the accelerometer. If the initial posture of the board is leaned then there...
I tried to launch the demo: `ibvseih.launch`. However, I got the following issues: - Where could I install the `baxter` [package]( to have the method `get_tf_listener`? - Should I launch...
How to compute [`error`](
I successfully installed all the required packages on Ubuntu 18.04, ROS melodic, and do step 4 of RUN: `rosrun key_teleop` The screen includes Linear and Angular Velocities correctly However,...
I successfully completed steps 1 to 8. However, in step 9, the build folder includes the following folder without a "CMakeLists.txt" file: ``` cmake_module_matlab mrb_geometry_msgs mrb_shape_msgs matlab_ros_bridge mrb_sensor_msgs mrb_std_msgs ```...