
Results 191 comments of robloo

Implementing a control once and then sharing it among all UI frameworks would be wonderful. We have all written and re-written the exact same control so many times over the...

This area has always been an interest of mine. Rewriting the same control a few times will tend to start one thinking about what can be done differently :) >...

You can disagree all you want but I know what a graphics stack should be. If you throw everything into it, it's not a graphics stack anymore and it is...

> some systems have only one window and nobody has solution how to implement message box. This is easily solvable with an overlay over the specified top-level root (window) like...

I think code generation is a good option here and like the ideas. I'll have to read more into what WinUI is doing when I first noticed this ( They...

> How exactly would custom OnApplyTemplate logic work with such generated code? Should we generate a partial method to be called from OnApplyTemplate? This is the best solution I can...

> This method can be added to the avalonia base control class, and called just before OnApplyTemplate. Good idea! That would be totally transparent as you said. I think we...

Performance Info between WPF and UWP is interesting. I could add a comment about that. There was another benchmarking done with cross-platform frameworks including MAUI, Avalonia and Uno but that...

Well, it's mostly out of scope just due to the amount of time I have. But there are more differences between WinUI and UWP than Microsoft publicly states. Some improvement...

Uno performance is quite bad itself. I'm happy to add performance details but I'm not committing to add WinUI at this point either. A few years ago I was very...