UR_Facetracking icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UR_Facetracking copied to clipboard

Universal Robot Realtime Facetracking with a webcam or a Rasperry Pi camera


  • UR_Facetracking
    • Demonstration
    • Usage
      • Settings
    • Explanation
    • Requirements
    • Notes

Currently under developement as of 2021-03-14

Code is a bit of a mess Use at your own risk.

Universal Robot Realtime Facetracking with Python3 and OpenCV Uses the UR - RTDE- protocol to send continuous updates to a Robot for smooth continued motion.



Universal Robot Realtime Face Tracking Python


Run Face_tracking01.py to run the face tracking. Developed for a Universal Robot UR5 CB running Polyscope 3.7


robot_startposition: The joint angles of the robot at the beginning.
max_x , max_y : The maximum horizontal distance the robot can travel.
hor_rot_max, ver_rot_max: Maximum Rotation of the robot at the edge of the view-window defined by max_x and max_y.
m_per_pixel: Distance (in meters) the robot will move to get to the position of the face in the captured image.



Universal Robot Realtime Face Tracking Python

The explanation is not comprehensive yet. A better Video is planned.


Universal Robot or URsim-software (tested with UR5cb running polyscope 3.7)

python 3.x

Python libraries:
numpy 1.18.1
math3d 3.3.5
imutils 0.5.3
six 1.15.0

when used with a raspberry pi and picam:


When using a linnux distribution or raspberry pi the software will try to use a picamera. If you want to use a webcam instead change it here.

heavily relies on this repository: https://github.com/Mandelbr0t/UniversalRobot-RealtimeControl which builds ontop of: https://bitbucket.org/RopeRobotics/ur-interface/src/master/

License: GPLv3


  • [ ] more testing
  • [x] demonstration video
  • [x] explanation video (not the best explanation so far)
  • [ ] License clarification
  • [x] cleanup
  • [ ] refactoring
  • [ ] documentation
  • [x] comments
  • [x] add links to libraries and other resources