
Results 28 issues of RobertL

```lua for count=1,8000 do print(count) stringGBK=gbk.fromutf8(string.rep('a',count)) --last count is 4097 end error'should but wont execute here, and crash without error message' ``` last count is 4097 when repeat 'a', 2049...

Hi, I'm trying to assign Accelerator on button in Find toolbar, for example 'Match whole word', and find its ID 'ID.FINDOPTWORD' in 'ZeroBraneStudio\src\editor\toolbar.lua' (normal in 'keymap.lua'), but configure in 'user.lua'...

Hi, I think when wrap in find, if there is a **stop** at **boundary** before wrap is nice. The **boundary** such as, last found at bottom when 'Search direction' is...

Hi, output 'Processing...' period repeatedly within normal output, even may occurs after the last `print` at bottom code (then exit correctly). > finish. --from my code > Processing...--not know from...

I try to use `LUA_CPATH_5_3` with exact value `;;C:\ProgramFiles\ZeroBraneStudio\bin\clibs53\?53.dll;` (and no `LUA_CPATH` etc). Without plugin (#934) to change `cpath`. Fails occur at `coroutine.wrap(..)` said "module 'socket.core' not found". Which should...

`_ENV` in code is the 'true' value , which equals `_G` in normal. In 'Watch', 'Console', it seems to be internal one. Access it will crash the editor. Or says,...

Because, there maybe many variables in frame. (And all frame is unfold by default #925 ) So, it's harder to find var-value on non-top frame from stack window than from...

Step in debug will update stack frame, and unfold all of them. Which is not so convenient, if I fold them to just watch function invoke relations. Also, lower frame...


See demo and comment bellow ``` lua function Wrap(func,...) local coroutine=coroutine.wrap(function(...) coroutine.yield() return func(...) end) coroutine(...) return coroutine end function d() require('mobdebug').on() coroutine.yield(true) end function c() return Wrap(d) end function...

Hi, ```lua local lfs=require'lfs' print(lfs._VERSION)--1.8.0 local file1,file2='test_directory','symlink-directory' assert(not lfs.attributes(file1) and not lfs.attributes(file2)) lfs.mkdir(file1),file2,true) assert(lfs.symlinkattributes(file2,'target')=="Input/output error")--should be path assert(not pcall(lfs.symlinkattributes,file2))--should not raise error 'attempt to index a nil value' return...