
Results 28 issues of RobertL

> screenshot save to "C:/Users/User/Pictures/QtScrcpy 手机远程 截屏 录像 保存路径/" 以上路径中文件名包含字符`:`,实际进保存了空文件''。

你好, 当前手机,未root,无法使用USB,但可以无线传输文件。 请问支持'离线'方式进行安装、配置吗?(比如,类似手动开启调试模式、传输-安装adbd.apk,实现全程无USB,最终wifi连接) 找到了scrcpy的[文档](,需要: > the device already listens on a port (typically 5555) for incoming adb connections

- `'a=0.0'` > `'a=.'` - `table[ [[1]]]` > `table[[[1]]]` - `a=1 & 1` will raise "unexpected symbol near '&'". They will raise error when load.

Hi~ Everything is OK, except code `assert((select(2,pcall(function() return true ~ nil end))):find'attempt to perform bitwise operation on a boolean value')` Will get: > /luasrcdiet\lparser.lua:96: (source):4: 'end' expected near '~' stack...

utf16_to_utf8 used in stringdecode.decode

- Prepare buffer for SCI_GETSELTEXT internally, like others in **Special Operations** I try to pull requests like this, is it correct?

Also see [[Wrapper] Scintilla Wrapper v1.4.2.4 - Page 8 - Scripts - AutoHotkey Community]( --- in `Examples\5-get_text.ahk` For example, when use `sci.SetText(unused, "2 ")` in line 16, it raise 3...

Win 10 64bit, CP936. When path contain Non-English (non-ASCII)? characters, like `C:\·`, command report ERROR: Specified directory "C:\·" does not exist.