Perhaps I missed something in the code but it looks like this benchmark doesn't implement the "think time" for each transaction as outlined in section of the TPC-C spec...
When running something like `rdkafka_performance`, if you just let it run without specifying a rate you get some very high latencies, for example: on 3 i3en.large instances, running the following:...
When a user adds a node or deletes a topic, data should be automatically rebalanced across the cluster.
In relationship to We will need to have the ability to use rpk to move partitions between nodes.
When running with larger batch size, like 15MB, Redpanda throughput drops. Running on n1-standard-16 with 6 local SSD drives, and 6 nodes total. I'm running with both 131KB batch size...
Using `kcl` when I run the following command against the latest version of Redpanda I get the following: ``` ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-165:~/go/bin$ ./kcl group offset-delete test -t sfo:1 unable to delete offsets:...