Radek Krejčí
Radek Krejčí
> WARNING: incompatible build option detected: -O0 (required -Og for better analysis) I have a similar problem - I'm able to run the compiler with the `-Og` option but to...
I like the feature, but I don't think that we have the capacity to do it anytime soon. Few points for future implementation: * do you insist on that special...
ok, thanks for this input
But the context allows you to remove the specific module from it (see [ly_ctx_remove_module()](https://netopeer.liberouter.org/doc/libyang/master/group__context.html#ga0676ff5b02c5fcc0d4a5673844faffdf)). Or what kind of support would you expect?
Hi, I like this idea, however it seems to me more as a "special" feature than a common feature. Therefore, with a limited resources we have, it probably won't be...
What I was talking about in the sysrepo issue, was a support for another data format in libyang next to XML, JSON and LYB format currently supported. Probably it can...
yes, such a use case should be thread-safe
And without '-m32' the configure on the same system success? Then my tip is that the compiler misses 32bit version of pthread (NPTL) library. Try to explore config.log with detailed...
can you provide the server's `` message?
sorry, lost in formatting. No, I need to see the netopeer-server's hello message sent to client. If you are using `netopeer-cli`, the output of status command should be fine.