
Results 20 comments of rklec

Any news here? [The SemVer 2.0.0 spec days](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html): > **How should I deal with revisions in the 0.y.z initial development phase?** > >The simplest thing to do is start your...

BTW SemVer 2.0.0 also says: > The simplest thing to do is start your initial development release at 0.1.0 and then increment the **minor** version for each subsequent release. That's...

Ahhh _that_ is the current behavior? Then I misunderstood it again and never experienced it given I do not mark breaking changes/use them so often (in v. < 1.0.0) Okay...

Okay found `--releaseCommitMessageFormat`... (which BTW is not documented in the Readme, only `--help` shows it) The code where this happens is apparently in: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version/blob/f5bff12515aadf5f532c2e7a992c929c5f633469/lib/lifecycles/tag.js#L24 And I see no way that...

The issue is still there.

Now got this directly at start: ``` java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested element count -2 is less than zero. at kotlin.sequences.SequencesKt___SequencesKt.take(_Sequences.kt:557) at com.github.lppedd.cc.vcs.InternalRecentCommitsService.parseMessage(InternalRecentCommitsService.kt:125) at com.github.lppedd.cc.vcs.InternalRecentCommitsService.updateCachedTokens(InternalRecentCommitsService.kt:74) at com.github.lppedd.cc.vcs.InternalRecentCommitsService.access$updateCachedTokens(InternalRecentCommitsService.kt:20) at com.github.lppedd.cc.vcs.InternalRecentCommitsService$1.refreshed(InternalRecentCommitsService.kt:40) at com.github.lppedd.cc.vcs.InternalVcsService.refresh(InternalVcsService.kt:65) at com.github.lppedd.cc.CCProjectManagerListener.projectOpened$lambda-1$lambda-0(CCProjectManagerListener.kt:25)...

Well maybe I wanna see my tests and so I explicitly don''t want to use `FirefoxHeadless` or have another reason for doing so. Your solution sounds good though, why not...

Well, I tried and it does not solve the issue. I mean it's not bad, it can certainly be included, however the original issue remains. * Also I [found out...

`network.http.throttle.enabled` is also already false. `widget.windows.window_occlusion_tracking.enabled` does not help either, still slow. (also tried [this extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/disable-page-visibility/), which essentially does the same AFAIK, does not work) Ah no `widget.windows.window_occlusion_tracking.enabled` works, but...