
Results 5 issues of Ryder

I'm wondering if someone can post an example of using this options. While in browserify, this runs fine: `browserify -r ./public/js/productionJS/recommendationConcatFooter.js:selector > ./public/js/productionJS/recommendationFooter.js` but in my gruntfile, ``` javascript footer:...

The `highlight.annotation` seems to be of the format `{comment} - {quoted}`. Is is this a limitation of the hypothesis API not splitting these two parts up in the returned `annotation.text`?...

Just seems to hang with either. Usually, I get the "sucessfully connected ... please wait" message for a second before it's done, but with either of these I'll wait 5...

I currently use atom + markdown-preview-plus for working in markdown, and it would be nice to switch back and forth between using that and notekit for editing markdown. As it...


Calling `xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness 0.5` also seems to reset the gamma to 1.0:1.0:1.0, which interferes with applications like redshift. Something like this might work, except in the case there...