
Results 134 comments of rizafran

Hi @siddeshpillai, Based on the files you provided, this doesn't look like the usual setup for iOS. Could you confirm if you're using the C++ SDK? Thanks.

Hi @siddeshpillai, sorry for not getting back to you in this. I'm just wondering if you're still encountering the issue on the latest SDK version?

Hi @thanhnhan111093, sorry for not getting back to you in this issue. I'm just want to confirm if you're still encountering the issue using the latest SDK version?

Thanks for reporting, @niels-frydenholm. Is the issue only happening on Xcode 14? Additionally, could you check the following: - Make sure that the DWARF with dSYM file is set for...

Thanks for the additional info, @niels-frydenholm. To narrow down and isolate if the issue is SDK-related, I just want to confirm if you have tried to manually upload the dSYMs...

Thanks for reporting this, @Lyokone. Per checking, I was able to reproduce the same behavior, but it seems like this is intended because when you sign in using an anonymous...

Hi @AdamBridges, regarding this statement: > Just to clarify on the issue, the account has already been created/linked: It's when an app is launched that the creationTime and lastSignInTime are...

Hi @anton-plebanovich, it seems that your issue is caused by the recent changes on how [Crashlytics groups the issues](https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/troubleshooting?platform=ios#two-different-issue-formats). I've found a similar request internally, but we can't share any...

Hi @RRomainK, could you confirm if you're using your own sqlite in your code? Note that Firebase relies on the standard sqlite3 library provided with Apple. We've seen multiple issues...

Thanks for filing this and sharing your observations in the issue, @ifabijanovic. You mentioned that the issue is not reproducible when you created a new project. Is the issue reproducible...