
Results 134 comments of rizafran

Hi @RohitRajendran, would you mind sharing a [minimal repro](https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example) that I can run locally? It would help us a lot digging into the cause of your issue. Thanks.

Thanks for reporting, @ritchie7. Please fill out the needed information from the template so we could try to reproduce the issue.

Thanks for reporting, @sarsonj. As a workaround, you may try to follow step 3 [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/ios/receive#set-up-firebase-and-the-dynamic-links-sdk) by setting the `FirebaseDeepLinkPasteboardRetrievalEnabled` key to `NO` in your app's `Info.plist` file.

Hi @linziyiwj, it seems like your issue is related to #6392. Could you try updating your SDK version to 8.14.0 and see if you'll still encounter the issue?

@linziyiwj, based on the [comment](https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/6392#issuecomment-1057449350), the fix was included in version 8.14.0.

Thanks for reaching out, @FranciscoPDNeto. Per checking, it's not necessary to configure an app in the second Firebase project. You only need to retrieve the token using the `retrieveFCMTokenForSenderID` to...

@FranciscoPDNeto I suspect that the error code 401 you encountered is due to Authentication error according to the [docs](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref#:~:text=Authentication%20Error). With this, could you check if the token you're sending inside...

Thanks for reporting, @RobSwish. I'll try to replicate this on my end and I'll let you know with any updates.

For the Sign in with Apple UI, it might be an intended behavior that the cross icon displays next to the name, and not changing to a tick. You may...

Hi @RobSwish, I was able to replicate the issue you encountered, and this is an expected behavior. The fullName is not returned in Apple's ID token so that we can't...