Rebecca Franks

Results 13 issues of Rebecca Franks

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It will be useful to see when the power has come on and off within the app as right now it only tells the current state. This information is available...

Hi there 👋 Thanks for a great library 🥇 We've been using it pretty successfully without any issues for a while. Recently, I enabled the alpha slider in XML via...

* Fixed padding on popular posts * Added Animated content onto post navigation

I added :JetpackCompose: to my handle and it crashes the app when viewing toots of mine or my profile, the correct emoji was a lowercase j (:jetpackCompose:) This happens if...

Add predictive back handling using `PredictiveBackHandler` from `activity-compose`. The gesture first shows the drawer in the case of the drawer being closed, when its open, it propagates the gesture back...

This PR introduces a dashboard type layout for the Jet lagged Home screen, which adjusts to different screen sizes (using WindowSizeClasses), and reflows cards to new lines when space limit...

We are getting this crash in the TwoFingerGestureDetector. ``` Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: pointerIndex out of range at android.view.MotionEvent.nativeGetAxisValue( at android.view.MotionEvent.getX( at at at ```

Switching to local debug.keystore to prevent issues with installing debug app on device.

Adding shared elements between Home feed and SnackDetail. Introduced `SnackSharedElementKey` to create a unique key for the shared element to match. Using `Modifier.sharedBounds()` on the Card container, and `Modifier.sharedElement()` on...