Rebecca Franks

Results 15 comments of Rebecca Franks

Hi there, Not sure exactly what you are describing. Could you elaborate some more or alternatively create a pull request with the fix? Thanks.

Hi @rosterloh, thanks so much for this pull request. I will need to get everything setup so I can retest this before I merge, so will take a few days....

Hi, Unfortunately not part of the API. Feel free to fork it and make the changes you want, or submit a PR.

Unfortunately there isn't a way at the moment. Feel free to open a PR with a configuration option.

Unfortunately this hasn't been implemented yet and I haven't had the time to do it. This library is open to pull requests if you still need this done 👍

Could you give a full stacktrace? And example of your apps colors.xml file.

Not at the moment no, only colours are supported.

Hi @alBendin My initial intention was to do this, I implemented it but because of the ViewPager fragments, the images were being cut off on the edge of the pages....

This would be great - currently trying to use this with Firebase and the firebase guide says to not use this dependency anymore with FCM `compile ''`

Hey @zplata 👋🏻 I'm from the Developer Relations Team at Google focusing on Compose, Rive is a really cool technology. We'd love to help you get a Compose friendly version...