Philip Riecks

Results 8 issues of Philip Riecks

**Type**: Feature **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** AWS Cognito doesn't implement the OpenID Connect [RP-Initiated Logout specification]( (in draft) yet. When using AWS Cognito together...

component: cognito
type: enhancement
status: ideal-for-contribution

**Is your feature request related to a problem?** - Running the current integration tests requires spawning resources in AWS - The setup for this requires some manual effort (see [README](

component: infrastructure

Do not merge. No need to review. Keeping track of what changes I've made during the recording.

During the bootstrap phase of our Spring Boot backend, we currently see the following two warnings: ``` 2021-04-30 07:20:37.380 WARN 1 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : Memory Usage for the Broker...


Thanks a lot for all your efforts in making the Crayon plugin work seamlessly with recent WordPress and PHP versions 💯 I don't have much experience with WordPress plugin development...

Hey, I've seen missing purchase power for at least Kosovo (XP) and Palestina (PS): Both calls return a HTTP 200 with the message: ``` {"message":"Request failed with status...