Rick Brewster

Results 37 issues of Rick Brewster

### Details Verifying the digital signature of downloads serves two purposes. One, it ensures that the file has not been tampered with or corrupted. Network corruption happens! I had a...


https://github.com/Sergio0694/ComputeSharp/pull/332 fixed https://github.com/Sergio0694/ComputeSharp/issues/293 but got the name wrong

bug :bug:

You create a resource texture with `ID2D1EffectContext::CreateResourceTexture()` https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1effectauthor/nf-d2d1effectauthor-id2d1effectcontext-createresourcetexture . You specify an ID as a GUID, and provide a buffer to load the data from. You can then update the...

proposal :bulb:
breaking change :bomb:

The error: ``` 1>D:\src\github\PdnGpuEffectSamples\NightCircuitShaderEffect.cs(180,28,180,34): error CMPSD2D0034: The shader of type PaintDotNet.Effects.Gpu.Samples.NightCircuitShaderEffect.Shader failed to compile due to an HLSL compiler error (Message: "The FXC compiler encountered one or more errors while...

bug :bug:

Getting the const buffer doesn't seem like a very interop-y thing 🤔 It's a mainline scenario for working with the shader and the `D2D1PixelShaderEffect`

proposal :bulb:
untriaged :toolbox:

You've got this data in the `ShaderInfo`, so you can supply it to Direct2D. Also probably be worth having `D2D1ReflectionServices.GetShaderInfo()` cache the `ShaderInfo` object.

proposal :bulb:
untriaged :toolbox:

As we discussed on Discord :) I assume these would just map to `int` or `long`.

proposal :bulb:
untriaged :toolbox:

The heavy use of generics and structs is a boon for performance, but it can get in the way of clean code. In this case, I'm writing an `ID2D1Transform` that...

needs author feedback :memo:
proposal :bulb:

I have two specific needs when using MagicScaler that, from our discussions on Discord, are not quite satisfied: - The ability to provide a BGRA32 input and get the output...


See this issue I filed here: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/62342 tl;dr this method would be highly useful, but it's unclear whether it will be approved and added to .NET itself. So, why not...