Rick Brewster

Results 69 comments of Rick Brewster

Also, KB3004394 must be the very first thing installed, after which a reboot is required before doing anything else. The new cert doesn't seem to work until then. Since it's...

(and yes, `.msu`'s can be verified too, not just `.exe`'s)

This came up because I was looking at how to use the Dents effect in Paint.NET in order to remix how the About dialog's logo banner is drawn. Right now...

Okay I did some prototyping and I was able to get resource textures to work! I resorted to compiling HLSL at runtime with `D2D1ShaderCompiler` from a private fork where I...

Texture slots do not seem to need to be contiguous. By that I mean I can specify 2 inputs, which take up slots 0 and 1, and then I can...

I was also able to do `SetResourceTexture(8, ...)`, but I'm not currently sure if that just means the _count_ of textures has a max of 8, or if the limitation...

I tried `SetResourceTexture(99, ...)` and it resulted in an `SEHException`. So clearly there's a limit.

`SetResourceTexture(15, ...)` works, while `SetResourceTexture(16, ...)` does not (`SEHException`). So the limit is 16. Also, good job on the parameter validation, Direct2D.

So here's an idea for how this could be set up in CS.D2D1. It provides a nice API for users, and avoids adding a special field type that would be...

Some docs links: `ID2D1EffectContext::CreateResourceTexture()` https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1effectauthor/nf-d2d1effectauthor-id2d1effectcontext-createresourcetexture `ID2D1DrawInfo::SetResourceTexture()` https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1effectauthor/nf-d2d1effectauthor-id2d1drawinfo-setresourcetexture `D2D1_RESOURCE_TEXTURE_PROPERTIES` https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1effectauthor/ns-d2d1effectauthor-d2d1_resource_texture_properties `ID2D1ResourceTexture::Update()` https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1effectauthor/nf-d2d1effectauthor-id2d1resourcetexture-update