
Results 41 comments of Richlv

it would be great to have an option for pretty printing not to modify input, except the whitespace (spacing, newlines etc) - that would allow to use it as a...

Having this happen when posting directly on still (one or multiple images), so it is highly likely an issue on the site.

Got it, thank you so much for the response. Looks like there are some missing services and the latest update was at least 3 years ago (although I might be...

...a few minutes later version upgrade popped up with 7.6.0. It actually seems to not only fix the problem, but Signal seems to auto-detect proxy now. Will test this a...

The problem still there with Signal 7.7.0. If I run Signal and connect to VPN, there's no indication that connectivity is broken for it. Can we please reopen this issue?

Sent in email, subject "Logs for issue 6865".

#774 seems to drop support for Zabbix 3.0, does that make this issue any easier?

No idea about Android, sorry. In dedicated devices (at least Garmin ones), zoom level can auto-change after being manually adjusted. Panning makes both the viewport and zoomlevel "sticky". That seems...

Regarding the screen tapping, in my case, I would have to constantly do that when using OM - and try to hit that small orientation/compass icon. As you noted, it...