Ricardo Aragon

Results 9 issues of Ricardo Aragon

We are collecting visits data, see: https://github.com/pressbooks/pressbooks-network-analytics/blob/ac0aaca3a1504fb1ed7d548067a1952fd5e1d6d4/inc/collector/class-visits.php - [ ] Remove all visits related data when a book is deleted, so we don't store unnecessary information in our database. -...


### Description When a link is created in a chapter, if that link contains a `/` character and is long enough to be displayed in 2 lines in the digital...

export formats

### Prerequisites * [x] Can you reproduce the behavior you wish to address with [all other plugins deactivated](http://codex.wordpress.org/Multisite_Network_Administration#Plugins)? * [x] Are you running the [latest version of Pressbooks](http://github.com/pressbooks/pressbooks/releases/latest/) and the...


As a Scrum Team member, I want to track our learning velocity, how it can help us and how it can be measured in our team. DoD: Prepare an agenda...

As a developer, I want a better approach to testing cloning and import routines in place. We are currently using a testing book: https://dev.pressbooks.pub/pbtest; previously, it was: https://pbtest.pressbooks.com. Ideally, unit...

API & cloning
dev tools

From https://github.com/pressbooks/pressbooks/issues/3194 we learned that implementing a more maintainable solution implies a certain degree of complexity including the context - Root site / Network / Book -, the user's permissions...

### Description When cloning on integration, the cloning routine takes too long and it fails in the end. It happens in my local development environment and on integrations. Nevertheless, occasionally...


### Description When a back/front matter is created with an empty title, or a numberless chapter is created without a title, is not possible to click and access to it...


As a PB Tech Team member, I want to help Oliver achieve a stable version of H5P PDF feature for Pressbooks. ## Information context Oliver Tacke's demo: https://snordian.de/h5p-extractor-poc/ Video /...