Ricardo Aragon
Ricardo Aragon
Seems to be a cache problem. If we save again in the Book Info section the cache is refreshed and the `and` is translated properly. See https://github.com/pressbooks/pressbooks/blob/f57ed1cf5c5bd98a8174b019f40f323ee6269e28/inc/class-book.php#L83 to see which...
I posted in Prince forums: https://www.princexml.com/forum/topic/4147/when-a-link-wraps-across-pages-it-breaks
I solved this issue locally when presenting the TDD proposal. It worked locally, nevertheless I would review and improve probably the solution since I did it pretty quickly to demonstrate...
I disabled the Redis cache on integrations. Although it still happens with the Redis cache disabled, therefore, I can confirm it is not a Redis-related issue. Nevertheless, I am not...
I can be replicated on integrations, nevertheless, just like local env, it works as expected on integrations2. The difference between environments seems to be in the `Root Blog Active Plugins`...
I activated precisely the same plugins and themes on integrations and integrations2. Both have identical versions of plugins and themes and share the same vendor folder (both networks are on...
I figured this out; thanks to @tw77 for instructing me on how to use these features. In your profile (Edit Profile section) -> Language: ![Screen Shot 2022-11-23 at 1 13...
Moving this to In Progress to confirm the following actions with Steel.
Update: I was researching how to add a translation for a new string on pressbooks-book, but it looks like there's a part of the process I'm probably missing. I sent...