Ricardo Carvalho

Results 6 comments of Ricardo Carvalho

Hello, I was having the same error in L2C6. Here's the exception showed in the celery worker: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7207015/188538042-8fa1885a-ba37-47e1-a6d4-a34307b5849f.png) The problem went away after restarting the celeryworker container: - In Docker,...

Hello @dvadym , I'd like to work on this if that's ok.

Hey @dvadym , could you please clarify this for me? When applying each Laplace/Gaussian mechanism using their corresponding `noise_std_dev`: - Should I use any direct implementation of Laplace/Gaussian noise generation...

I was having that problem while using a Jupyter notebook. I solved the problem by: - installing nest-asyncio: `pip install nest-asyncio` - running a code cell with: ``` import nest_asyncio...

Hello, this is related to https://github.com/OpenMined/PipelineDP/issues/281 , right? Is there anything else to implement here?

So this issue can be closed too, right @tohaowu ?