Hi Conrad, when will you release a new version of Web Phone? Greetings.
Hello: When do you activate this? // TODO let EnableSendFiles = false; // Enables sending of Images let EnableSendImages = false; // Enables sending of Images Regards.
Hello: I have Asterisk 18.11.2 and not working: Icon Voicemail and Notify not Display. Anything idea? Regards.
Hello: Please enable Voicemail and Send Files on Chat. Regards!
Hello: How create a Geofence from a Point with Buffer? Regards.
Hello: Great job. Roster users on XMPP Chat is working fine. I have other request: Send files on XMPP Chat is posibble? Thanks. Regards.
Hello: Is it possible to replace **let localDB = window.localStorage** with **MYSQL**. It may be a way to store chat history and be able to view it in different sessions....
Hello: Is it possible to hide the chat box on extensions like Voice Mail and Conference. These extensions do not answer messages 😄 Greetings.
Hello: Great job. Roster users on XMPP Chat is working fine. I have other request: Send files on XMPP Chat is posibble? Thanks. Regards.
Hello: Is possible get Chat History (XMPP) on diferents Devices (Desktop, Phone, Tablet). When login on web browser (A) the chat history is not on web browser (B). Or When...