Hey @mvafin! I wrote this code for tffe this was a first draft will work on this
Hi! @mvafin made some changes is this better? Thanks Raghav
Hey @mvafin made the recommended changes please review once.
Hi! @mvafin and @mmikolajcz Thank you for the review will make the changes
Hi! @mvafin and mmikolajcz made changes to the test and translation please check. Thanks Raghav
Hi! @mvafin @mmikolajcz I think i've fixed build issues and added test for different types in x and y. I had some questions: As there is `optional_out` decorator I don't...
Hi @mvafin @mmikolajcz! Made the changes. Last time for the CI I guess the cmake did not configure properly.
Hi @mvafin @mmikolajcz! Made the changes
Hi @gkrivor! I had a few questions: do we need to add opset 11 to reduce.hpp do we need to add opset 13 to reduce.cpp and reduce.hpp in ops_bridge do...
Hi @gkrivor @mitruska @onnx do you have any suggestions