Davyd NRB
Davyd NRB
Any updates?
I created a PR https://github.com/Intellicode/eslint-plugin-react-native/pull/303 to fix this issue: **Docs:** https://github.com/retyui/eslint-plugin-react-native/blob/no-unused-styles-and-imports/docs/rules/no-unused-styles.md#options If you want to test it you can install the version from Github: ```bash yarn add -D retyui/eslint-plugin-react-native#no-unused-styles-and-imports ```
Demo https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4661784/144732862-17b64c75-260b-48a4-a0b3-fd50c9fbf63c.mp4
@Intellicode I see that all last pipelines on a master branch are `red` failed. For me as a contributor is important that nothing was broken when I made changes
@Intellicode so fast 👍 that's incredible!! I will check my PR now
@Intellicode I've just added tests for new code, and found & fixed a small bug) - `Azure Pipelines` now green! - But `SonarCloud` **failed**, and want's to fix `21.4% Duplication`...
@Intellicode did you have time to check PR?
@Intellicode another polite reminder
@shashkovdanil https://github.com/shashkovdanil/clean-publish/blob/5bd50640cd64a9c8f0503bfce25133fafc6a1826/exception/npm-scripts.js#L6 > prepublishOnly: Run BEFORE the package is prepared and packed, ONLY on npm publish. (See below.) https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scripts
@gabimoncha you can use [`Loki`](https://github.com/oblador/loki) that especially focused for Storybook _(see : "React Native example")_