Jan Drábek
Jan Drábek
I run into strange situation when my gpg via terminal worked (exactly the same command copied from the log) however the plugin failed to loaded with "Message could not be...
I am implementing Tracy in Phalcon project and I have ran into difficulties with AJAX requests. The setting is that there is page which loads multiple "snippets" from backend. If...
``` var_dump(LocalDateTime::min()->getYear()); var_dump($a= ZonedDateTime::of(LocalDateTime::min(), TimeZone::utc())->getYear()); ``` will yield ``` -999999 9999 ``` Which is quite unexpected.
It would be handy to provide expectations for datetime too, typically validation & parsing in given format. Apart from format typically we use min and max validations as well as...
If not it will cause ajax malfunction (such as not refreshing rows...)
After spending an hour in documentation (https://ublaboo.org/datagrid/tree-view) I do not understand how to either remove the deleted row or redraw all subrows of certain item. Is that even possible?
NiftyGrid doesn't support passing multiple colums (col1 ASC, col2 DESC) into defaultOrder method.
When error occures during deserialization the field path could be present to use in API error response. ## Detailed description and context For programmer centric experience when using deserialization as...
When having markers with circles binded to them, then invoking spiderfy moves not only the markers but also the circles, creating completely different image of the situation. This is potentially...