Rémy Roy

Results 18 issues of Rémy Roy

Hi, I've been making Garmin maps with your code for a while now. I've noticed something with the latest code, many natural=water aren't showing at all on my GPSMAP64s. If...

## Description VC blocks on `SlashingDatabase::open` when running with [NSSM](http://nssm.cc/) as a service on Windows. It does not run properly and it cannot attest. It does not leave `SlashingDatabase::open`. ##...

good first issue

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As a tool developer on top of various clients and other tools, it would be nice to be able to...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As a tool developer on top of various clients and other tools, it would be nice to be able to...

When trying to monkeypatch a copy of `html.parser`, markdown fails when `html.parser` comes from a zip file and an instance of `zipimporter` is used as the loader. ## To reproduce...


Hi, I'm having an issue trying to decompress [the following archive](https://github.com/damalsk/damalsksoundpack/releases/download/v0.2/@.s.soundpack.7z) using pylzma. This is on Windows 10 with pylzma 0.5.0. Towards the end of the archive, I'm getting a...

On a validator page, when waiting for your validator to be activated, only pending is shown with a generic *it will take [around 16-24 hours](https://kb.beaconcha.in/ethereum-2.0-and-depositing-process) until your deposit is processed...


The `/api/v1/validators/queue` API returns the number of validators in the activation and exit queues. Unfortunatly, that information is not enough to provide a remaining time on when the queues will...

### Description As a user of Besu, I don't expect to see any error message when starting Besu so that I have a high confidence about my usage of this...


Deposit files made with older version of the staking-deposit-cli or with Wagyu Key Gen for the Goerli/Prater network are marked as made for `prater` in the deposit file. They should...