Rémy Roy

Results 18 issues of Rémy Roy

It would be nice to add a check list step to recreate the keystore and deposit key using the same mnemonic. ## On the generate keys page On https://launchpad.ethereum.org/generate-keys, I...

## Description It seems like restarting my beacon node service on a network that has not started the beacon chain genesis yet makes the beacon node process spew a bunch...

good first issue

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Configuring and maintaining a machine with the right file system permissions can be difficult with Nimbus especially for users who...

**Description** The Nethermind v1.25.4 PPA package will fail to install if the unzip package is not installed **Steps to Reproduce** In order to replicate the behavior, please provide a detailed...

A graph with the number of validators on Y and their number of proposals on X on https://beaconcha.in/charts would be nice :thumbsup:

You still need to use a Node.js version lower than v18 to install and build the project dependencies. The previous [LTS release v16+ support ended a few months ago](https://nodejs.org/en/about/previous-releases). Update...

Hi, It would be nice to update the online demo at https://iancoleman.io/shamir/ with the latest version.

`@gitcoinco/passport-sdk-verifier` fails to work under NodeJS because of the `@spruceid/didkit-wasm` dependency. According to the documentation on https://www.npmjs.com/package/@spruceid/didkit-wasm-node, you need to use the `@spruceid/didkit-wasm-node` package instead. I was getting this error...