Steven Fusco
Steven Fusco
Socket io is not standard web sockets. It is more than that. You will need to switch to a different server library or a different client library.
it's true it fixes many more things than just adding sudo to things, but it does add sudo to things. it's the very first entry in the readme and it's...
require(['domReady'], function (domReady) { domReady(function () { //This function is called once the DOM is ready. //It will be safe to query the DOM and manipulate //DOM nodes in this...
Is it an actionscript code change or a javascript code change? I don't think I have the proper tools to do an actionscript code change, but I could throw some...
Actually, you'd only need to wrap the bits you wanted to wrap. Obj-c and C++ can cohabitate in the same project or library very nicely, even if the memory management...
I tried merging the patch using git apply, and it failed with tons of rejections. I then tried applying the patch manually using patch -p1 which failed to completely apply...
I know you are using this code, so I figured it was probably some minor issue
We are in the middle of changing the hit testing, I'll add your test file to the test suite to confirm the new stuff works properly during the merge
also, be sure you are using `convertPoint:toView:` and `covertPoint:fromView` when passing points between views, don't know for sure if that is _this_ issue, but you'll probably need to do it...
I don't have an ETA right now, best guess is a couple of weeks. Try out @adamgit transforms branch and see if you get better results.