Roberto Gonzalez
Roberto Gonzalez
thanks for comments, we improved and added documentation.
Hi , i think there are 3 possible causes: 1- As far as i know OWLS used a modified gadget III format, probably the header structure is different, the header...
In this line the code check header consistency. if (blk != 256 || blk2 != 256) { printf ("incorrect header format\n"); stopcode (); } it would be more easy...
it look like the file use long integers 64bit rather than 32bit integers. can you replace L156 and157 to read long to check if that is the reason: i.e...
Hi Daniel, i check your file and it is not a standard gadget file, it does not begin with the block size of the header. I checked byte ordering is...
In the case you mention, each task using less than 2 billion particles, changes are only required in paravt code, not qhull(however it is possible to set there 64bit vars...
the important array is locind which store the absolute index of particles, and this should be 64bit, the others are just counters. Key parts are in iovt.c, line 359 for...