Results 232 comments of refi64

I mean, we have a tiny bit of a standard in POSIX. The problem is just that different architectures and operating systems fundamentally handle a lot of things differently.

I think the "Not planned" section is referring to _runtime_ polymorphism (e.g. C++ polymorphism), while Jai has _parametric_ polymorphism (also known as generics or templates).

How many resources does hosting it require? I host quite a few things for FOSS-focused Discord communities and the like, and I wouldn't mind adding something else on top as...

Looks like qlibc is now a Buildroot package:

Try checking your shared object library name. Some programs don't support the version suffixes that are placed by the OS (e.g. ``). If it has a numeric suffix, create a...

Could you name the binaries such that it's implied they're Ubuntu-only then? At a glance, the -linux suffix would imply it's some binary that works on multiple distributions (e.g. a...

Isn't `@-moz-document` is still used for userstyles? I could try migrating to url-prefix, but afaik userstyle support is still entirely present and not deprecated.

Ah apologies, I didn't realize `@document` worked as well.

> Was there a discussion around this, or a reason to add it? Welp the "throw out a PR right before night and leave the description blank" thing has come...