Results 232 comments of refi64

I mean you technically still can, I used to have a documentation generator that I lost when my hard drive was wiped by accident.

> something like a value-returning try-except would be even slower if implemented that way, since it would have to be extracted into a function because the AST does not allow...

I think that was supposed to be humor...

`.profile` is executed when you log in to your computer.

`.profile` is executed when you log in on Linux, and the environment variables it sets are visible to all running programs.

Sorry for the lack of a response here, I'm just not really sure about this... I just feel like it's pretty fragile and still doesn't solve the other issues a...

Ah okay. I still might take a look into it, hopefully that can be worked around.

I mentioned this in the review comments, but, just in case it got skipped over: `sys.getwindowsversion()[2]` can be used to retrieve the Windows build number on Python versions as far...

Uhh...I know PyPy.js takes forever to load, but I'm also sure that the JIT would kick in with something like byterun. Even without the JIT, Brython still is _not_ the...

@alanjds Are you sure? I have a [web app that uses PyPy.js](, and I use it from Chrome on Android all the time. Maybe it's actually the wrapper JS? Besides,...