James Reeve
James Reeve
Sounds like a duplicate of https://github.com/IBM/jupyterlab-s3-browser/issues/15
Thank you both for reporting the issue and adding some clarifying details. I'll try to add a useful error message for this situation.
Hi @martindurant, thanks for your interest. I haven't taken an in-depth look, but if I understand correctly jupyter-fs's scope encompasses everything in jupyterlab-s3-browser and then some. What are you looking...
Thanks for reporting the issue! I have been able to reproduce it. I'm pretty busy at the moment but I should have time to investigate and fix it within the...
Hi @mohittalele, thanks for your interest and sorry for the lack of updates on this issue. I'm guessing the issue is that the serverextension doesn't handle the case where jupyterlab...
Thanks for the suggestion! I agree, this would be a valuable feature. I'll see what I can do.
Hello, thanks for your interest. Later this week I should be able to set up automatic publishing to conda for each new release.
I'll work on replacing the white screen of death with some sensible message. In the meantime you can you confirm you've followed the [installation instructions](https://github.com/IBM/jupyterlab-s3-browser#installation)? Or are you having issues...
Thanks for reporting the bug. I'll try to take a closer look later this week.
Thanks for your interest! This feature isn't available right now, but I'm planning on adding it soon.