jupyterlab-s3-browser copied to clipboard
Getting involved
I only very recently found out about this repo, and I'm glad to see someone working on this kind of thing. I would be happy to help where I can to push things forward.
I wonder, do you have any thoughts on integrating with other fsspec backends and/or support multiple configurations for s3fs as separate tabs or maybe multiple folders in the same tab?
Are you aware of a similar project based on pyfilesystems2? jupyter-fsI have a brief POC attempt at integrating fsspec that might be of interest commit
Hi @martindurant, thanks for your interest. I haven't taken an in-depth look, but if I understand correctly jupyter-fs's scope encompasses everything in jupyterlab-s3-browser and then some. What are you looking to get out of this project that you can't get out of jupyter-fs? Is there a niche jupyterlab-s3-browser can fill or in your view should I be contributing to jupyter-fs instead?
if I understand correctly jupyter-fs's scope encompasses everything in jupyterlab-s3-browser and then some
It is based on pyfilesystems2 and not fsspec, so it lacks a lot of the features that fsspec provides. I had hoped to persuade them to support fsspec, to no avail. Whilst one could fork that project, it seems as though you have a better start here. Either way, a pane supporting multiple filesystems in some form would be amazing, very useful to loads of people. Imagine if you could copy stuff between GCS and S3 buckets, maybe :)