
Results 89 comments of Dave

> Hm, it's a long shot, but if this happens on Windows but not on Linux, can you disable `forceConsistentCasingInFileNames` and try your test again? That does indeed seem to...

88 seconds is about on par with a regular `tsc --watch`. The 62 seconds was just from `tsc`. I ran it again and the total time was about 78 seconds,...

Yeah, when `forceConsistentCasingInFileNames ` is set to false, the memory usage is equivalent to a regular `tsc` or `tsc --watch`. With `forceConsistentCasingInFileNames ` set to true, it's ~8300000K compared to...

Unfortunately, I think that made it worse. 😬 Extended Diagnostics from @typescript-deploys/[email protected] ``` Files: 9333 Lines of Library: 38310 Lines of Definitions: 330028 Lines of TypeScript: 1125933 Lines of JavaScript:...

> Can you try this build? [#58352 (comment)](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/58352#issuecomment-2081888721) No improvement with that one either. > Having said that, it would be great if you can either create a repro or...

I've finally been able to get the reproduction in a state where I can share it. https://github.com/reduckted/repro-typescript-memory-usage-anonymized All of the TypeScript files just contain imports and exports - there's no...

> Can you please try [#58398 (comment)](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/58398#issuecomment-2091878628) to see if this fixes your issue. That has made a huge improvement! There's still a slight increase in memory between using an...

Just a small clarification on what to expect once that PR is merged. This problem will still exist for the _first_ version that contains the fix. The installer for that...

`GetProjectsInBuildScope` appears to be an extension method: https://github.com/Tim-Maes/T4Executer/blob/14021a7c6462f688c433e5f97905d8536d766e3a/TTExecuter/Extensions/DTEExtensions.cs#L14-L22 It should be easy enough to convert to the toolkit. For the solution scope: ```cs VS.Solutions.GetAllProjectsAsync(); ``` For the project scope: ```cs...