
Results 89 comments of Dave

Thanks @rainersigwald. 👍 I had tried that after reading some of the earlier posts and the hangs appeared to stop, but since I couldn't reliably reproduce it to begin with,...

I've actually done this before! Not with the toolkit though, but it should be pretty easy. In your `BaseToolWindow` implementation, there will be a `Pane` class. In the constructor of...

I've created pull request #242 which demonstrates how you can add a toolbar to a tool window.

Interesting. Looks like SDK-style projects are not `IVsAggregatableProject`. This line is false for SDK-style projects, but true for other projects. https://github.com/VsixCommunity/Community.VisualStudio.Toolkit/blob/5c266503acbf4fc532a3d4b5b167745d33d3891e/src/Community.VisualStudio.Toolkit.Shared/ExtensionMethods/IVsHierarchyExtensions.cs#L85

Unfortunately, no. I had a search across GitHub for places that were using `IVsAggregatableProject` and I didn't see anywhere that was using an alternative technique when the hierarchy doesn't implement...

🤔 I'm just thinking out loud here. I wonder if using project capabilities are a better choice in this situation. For a .NET Framework C# project, the capabilities are: ```...

Not directly with the toolkit, but it's not a lot of code: ```cs Project project = await VS.Solutions.GetActiveProjectAsync(); project.GetItemInfo(out IVsHierarchy hierarchy, out _, out _); bool isCSharp = hierarchy.IsCapabilityMatch("CSharp"); bool...

Here's a list of some of the known capabilities: https://github.com/microsoft/VSProjectSystem/blob/master/doc/overview/project_capabilities.md It's not a complete list though, because it's missing these ASP.NET Core capabilities: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/blob/a30e465a2e2ea4e2550f319a2dc088daaafe5649/src/WebSdk/ProjectSystem/Targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web.ProjectSystem.targets#L28-L31

> I've found myself doing this in quite a bit of my components: The `BaseToolWindow` is never disposed at the moment, so your event handlers will never be removed. Once...

It would be great to add those GUIDs to the VSCT project. https://github.com/VsixCommunity/Community.VisualStudio.VSCT