
Results 89 comments of Dave

@flcdrg Have you by any chance installed the `Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK` package? That might explain why you're seeing references to 16.10. The toolkit references `16.0.*` (see [here](https://github.com/reduckted/Community.VisualStudio.Toolkit/blob/e124ffe6985e7f05023590e4ed20d4970a12667f/src/toolkit/Community.VisualStudio.Toolkit.16.0/Community.VisualStudio.Toolkit.16.0.csproj#L10)) so there _should_ be no...

The output window is just another type of "document view" or "text view", (although it has some other unique characteristics, like being read-only), so if it has the focus, and...

What's your reason for needing to get an output pane by its name? The reason I ask is that I'm concerned about what would happen when running Visual Studio in...

Ah, OK, that makes sense. 👍 I just had a look through the Visual Studio assemblies with ILSpy, and the `Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServer.Client.Implementation.dll` assembly (under `IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/LanguageServer/`) looks like it creates an output...

Ah yes, that's the GUID for the actual _output window_, rather than the _pane_. 🤦‍♂️ Looking at the code further, it's generating a new GUID for the output pane, which...

You can save to the `.csproj.user` file without needing to use MSBuild. The `IVsBuildPropertyStorage.SetPropertyValue` method has a parameter that lets you specify whether to use the project file or the...

Hmm, that's strange. Are any of your extensions overriding the `InitializeToolWindowAsync` method? That's the only way I can see that the context would be an `Object` instead of an `InstantiateToolWindowData`....

Visual Studio's brushes defined in `EnvironmentColors` don't seem to be correct (or maybe I'm using the wrong brushes). I've defined this: ```xml ``` This is what it looks like in...

This sounds like a duplicate of #44 which mentions a workaround that you might find helpful (haven't tried it myself).