See this [post in the soapui forum](
Starting from Travis [build 179]( (runned on 2013-11-24), all integration tests relying on maven options (tests skipping execution by setting MAVEN_OPTS to `-Dmaven.test.skip=true` in the maven invoker configuration). There was...
This should work for both OSS and PRO runner as for the `test` goal, see #42 and #56. Some integration tests should be added to confirm this
The 1st implementation (see #4) will only support maven 3.0.x as it used sonatype aether to retrieve dependencies. These dependencies are then packaged in the war. Maven 2.2.1 has no...
This is an old request that appears several times in the soapui forum - - - - - We should add a JunitReportCollector and make...
1.8 version availability: see [maven central](|gav|1|g%3A%22org.apache.maven.plugins%22%20AND%20a%3A%22maven-invoker-plugin%22) When upgrading, remove the workaround of **Details of the workaround** Previously, with maven 2.2.1, mergeUserSettings option generates a NPE (java 5 and 6)...
The [SoapUI release notes]( states that the poi library has been introduced in the 5.1.0 version to replace the jexcelapi dependency But the SmartBear pro maven plugin still declares the...