
Results 99 comments of redbar0n

@ctrlplusb @crissdev @christianchown @shoeman22 could either of you take a look?

It is also unclear from the webpage if Exports Analysis minifies before it gzip's.

This seems to explain the bug:

@pastelsky Thanks for clarifying. That makes sense. If so, then bundlephobia should write a disclaimer under Exports Analysis headline explaining that, so people don’t get the wrong impression. Ideally, both...

@fishenal indeed, but unfortunately I can't afford spending time on it at this point.

Yeah, there definitely should be a class for "Philosophy".

In Catalina (10.15.6), I'm getting this when loading it with a dictionary file[1]: `` *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSConcreteTask terminationStatus]: task not launched' abort()...

It worked with the build from @daimon99 ! Thanks. I hope that build can make it into the releases section, @jjgod .

Actually.. It always just stopped at "Checking source"... After running `brew install glib` (installing glib properly; i.e. completely without errors) then DictUnifier always just stops at `Building dictd_www.dict.org_web1913.dictionary.` (the latter...

I was able to use @daimon99's build of DictUnifier to successfully convert/install the following dictionary, like @chiaaaa96 also managed: [stardict-cedict-gb-2.4.2.tar.bz2]( So it seems like it might be some incompatibilities with...