
Results 99 comments of redbar0n

That’s interesting. It for sure is some differences when it comes to patterns and ease of representability.. but TS being turing-complete, I don’t see why it couldn’t in theory represent/output...

Doesn’t GQty control the top level Query, as well as the query proxy object?

Recieving this error. ``` Test suite failed to run TypeError: /Users/Magne/Workspace/bilen-min/app/src/modules/dashboard/ActivityHistory/ActivityHistoryWithData.js: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined at Whitespace.getNewlinesAfter (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/whitespace.js:50:20) at Generator._printNewline (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:459:34) at Generator.printJoin (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:376:32) at Generator.printList (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:430:17) at...

The `Cannot read property 'type' of undefined` error seems to be pretty general, but like @AndrewRayCode I got the error with the stack: `at Whitespace.getNewlinesAfter (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/whitespace.js:50:20)` I removed some whitespace/newlines...

How will you handle potentially duplicated side-effects then? > There's a performance hit you take for [server-side] rendering components your user isn't seeing, but even worse is the potential for...

CSS media queries (instead of JS-based screen measurements) might not be the way to go, at least not with React Native Web (RNW). Since: * RNW have dropped support for...

what was your experience with `react-native-media-query`? It claims to enable responsiveness even with SSR..: >This package also works with next.js static generation or server-side rendering [SSR]. Since react-native-media-query creates css...

It seems that using `styled-components`, as a CSS-in-JS solution, together with **React Native Web + responsivity**, is very problematic (as [others]( have already [experienced]( - `styled-components` [outputs]( all [styles]( to...

I've done some more research into this. FWIW, please see:

[2] This inline Web worker approach is another approach to multithreading in Google Apps Script (GAS): Which someone allegedly got to work with GAS (while others didn't):