R. Eric Collins
R. Eric Collins
I've loaded assemblies of that size on a mac with 128Gb RAM but they do take a while, you can change some of the parameters, like decreasing the number of...
Thanks, I updated BLAST and can't reproduce it
Ok coming back to this, I'm now on BLAST 2.6.0+ and Bandage 0.8.1 and found the issue cropping up again. Here the same assembly is used as the database. In...
For others looking into this, you can do simple filtering outside of Bandage via perl. These work for FASTG files, but not GFA. to output sequences >1000 bp/aa from a...
I'm getting this as well, seems to be that miniasm doesn't use the entire line to determine uniqueness? e.g. ``` >d6febb45-00aa-4de3-937e-f496fbf2e108 runid=c98c9543b58908856e1ef3707a799d283e38158c read=1557 ch=130 start_time=2017-05-05T02:55:36Z id=120218_0 >d6febb45-00aa-4de3-937e-f496fbf2e108 runid=c98c9543b58908856e1ef3707a799d283e38158c read=1557 ch=130...
[spades.log](https://github.com/ablab/spades/files/4314748/spades.log) the actual spades.log was overwritten but this is the stdout log
I'm running it now with 14.0 to see if it changes
I did `wc -l` on the spades-corrected files and got the same number
in case anyone else is working in R, here's how I imported it ``` vs.pred