Results 5 issues of AYF

#### Issue description Having an integer title in stream_create => Crash. #### Version ```bash ./lbrynet --version lbrynet 0.104.0 ``` #### Steps to reproduce the issue Execute: ` ./lbrynet stream create...

Here is an example: ``` @asyncio.coroutine def something(sleep,marker): try: print ('something() is sleeping for %s seconds!' % sleep,flush=True) yield from asyncio.sleep(sleep) finally: print ('cleaning something()!',flush=True) marker['cleaned'] = True @asyncio.coroutine def...

Like the title says: Allow passing dynamic arrays (in SSBOs) as function arguments. (By reference). I have some complicated functions that walk a tree-structure stored in an SSBO dynamic array,...

On line 52: ```C++ glGetProgramResourceiv(program, GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK, glGetProgramResourceIndex(program, GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK, "printfBuffer"), 1, &prop, sizeof(binding), nullptr, &binding); ``` `sizeof(binding)` is wrong, it should just be `1`. See for proper example usage....

Add title to the API workflow json. Motivation: API client users can find nodes by title, instead of just by class_type. Related * [[Feature Request] Custom API node IDs #1326](