Results 10 comments of AYF

I think it can be fixed by adding `title` to this list of keys:

Consider updating this list generally, to include other string-only arguments.

> > Why is it happening? Is there a workaround to pass image2D argument to a function? > > There is no way, it's mostly hardware limitation. How is this...

@gvanrossum I've updated the example to something simpler.

Also, as a workaround, I've implemented my own `wait_for()` wrapper around `asyncio.wait_for()`, which does the same thing except wait until the task is cancelled before raising `TimeoutError`. ``` def wait_for(coro,timeout,*,loop=None):...

> Returns result of the Future or coroutine. When a timeout occurs, it cancels the task and raises asyncio.TimeoutError. To avoid the task cancellation, wrap it in shield(). > >...

@haypo OK I'll rephrase: > Note that _in the event of a timeout,_ wait_for() does not wait until the task is cancelled; _it raises the asyncio.TimeoutError immediately, as this is...

Slightly related: You can use the API ( But anything can break with future developments.

As suggested in the original post, one horrible solution is to use GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted, then run your script through `glslangValidator` to convert it to SPV, then run `spirv-opt` with `--inline-entry-points-exhaustive`, which...