
Results 231 comments of yfprojects

A way to edit the rebase file in one's favourite editor and resume to *rebase-editor* afterwards won't be that comfortable but will still be better than not having the option...

Also, why doesn't the license match the [bsd-3 clause](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) but instead has the following line inserted? > All Rights Reserved.

I sketched a first GUI mock-up. What do you think? ![vorta](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62463991/188304844-3531a2b5-248e-4c9b-9096-0b067fcc40e6.jpg)

> So the data model is like description, pattern, OS, on/off? Some of those are built-in and some are supplied by the user? We should put the built-in patterns in...

> https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/pika-backup/-/merge_requests/69 might be interesting for this effort too I had a look at Pika Backup. It seems like they only allow excluding existing files/folders that can be added to...

> Yeah, having multiple patterns in a group makes sense too. > > So the data struct would be like: group description, [list of patterns], OS (as per Python `sys.platform`),...

I find it hard to imagine how you managed to pull this off because changing a repository unnoticed seems fairly difficult to me. But we'll keep this issue in mind...

> backuping content in another repository is as easy as changing "Repository" value using the selectbox > > This is super easy and there is no second validation/warning of any...

> Where "a repository" is a cue that one repository will be used. I suggest the wording `Repository` where the singular indicates that the backup will be made to a...

How do you torify borg? Do you have a guide for torification? And most importantly the torify HOWTO warns that one should know what one is doing when using torify....