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A tool to support the planning, implementation, and organization of research data management.
### Description / Beschreibung Uploading an empty file crashes RDMO and you don't even get a response. Not sure why. ### Steps to reproduce / Schritte zum Reproduzieren 1. Go...
### Rationale / Begründung In #254 this was asked for. Creating a separate issue here. The naming in the management and in the models would stay the same. ### Affected...
### Rationale / Begründung In https://github.com/rdmorganiser/rdmo/issues/254 this was asked for. Creating a separate issue here. My idea would be to add (latin? roman?) numbers to the sections and latin numbers...
### Rationale / Begründung Adding a navigation to section/pages in the nested view of the management would improve the catalog editing, and should not be to hard to implement. A...
### Rationale / Begründung In https://github.com/rdmorganiser/rdmo/issues/254 this was asked for. Creating a separate issue here. It should only affect the headline on `project`. ### Affected Users
### Rationale / Begründung RDMO offers a [`` tag](https://rdmo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/management/views.html#metadata-in-exported-documents) to add metadata to views. This sounds good but has some severe elimitations: 1. It works only with "fixed" content, not...
1. Hilfetext zu Beschreibung und Katalog wie z.B. “Der Fragenkatalog der für dieses Projekt verwendet wird.“ sollte oben drüber stehen, nicht unten drunter, konsistenz zu wie es auch im Fragenkatalog...
Raised by @torsten-rathmann, to be able to use long, question-like titles for Horizon Europe.
### Rationale / Begründung The persons having access to datasets in a project may have specific _data use rights_, i.e. specific privilleges regarding how the may use the data and/or...
### Rationale / Begründung `django-rest-swagger` is deprecated since 2019. Should rdmo switch to an alternative openapi library? `drf-spectacular` looks promising. ### Affected Software group ### References / Verweise * https://github.com/marcgibbons/django-rest-swagger...