
Results 18 issues of Nicola

MWE: ```julia using Enzyme, SpecialFunctions; first(autodiff(Reverse, erf, Active(0.2))); ```

more information needed

I am trying to parallellize a loop containing a random number generation, but the status of the rng is kept costant across each index of the loop, leading to a...


First thank you very much for the amazing package. Second, let me explain the issue: assume I have a function g returning x such that f(x,p)=0. I would be interested...

Hi all, i am getting the following error when i try to add a legend to an existing plot; the code is the following: `using PyPlot;` `x=collect(linspace(0,1,100));` `y=collect(linspace(0,2,20));` `f(x,y)=sin.(x).*cos.(y);` `g(x,y)=sin.(x).*sin.(y);`...

```julia using DualNumbers; x=[DualComplex256(1,1) for i in 1:10] fft(x) ``` I get the following error: ``` ERROR: MethodError: no method matching plan_fft(::Array{DualNumbers.Dual{Complex {Float64}},1}, ::UnitRange{Int64}) Closest candidates are: plan_fft(::Union{Base.ReshapedArray{T

rewrite blsimpv in order to support Dual/HyperDual/Complex (possibly using Requires.jl)

Instead of using our own Brent method is better to add a dependency

Hi all, I noticed the following when I combine complex numbers muladd and forward mode (I think it is forward mode because I am broadcasting some function over a vector)....
