
Results 19 issues of Nicola

Noticed by [@dpsanders What about the integration? Should we increase the order?]( and still open. ```julia using TaylorSeries x_fl=1.0 max_order=20 x=taylor_expand(identity,x_fl,order=max_order) y=exp(x) der=derivative(y) @assert get_order(der)==max_order-1 #Correct the derivative is consuming...

**Describe the bug** Stacking arrays of CuArrays is slow. **To reproduce** The Minimal Working Example (MWE) for this bug: ```julia using BenchmarkTools, CUDA; N=100; M=1000; x=randn(N); x_cu=cu(x); @btime stack(fill($x,M)); @btime...

good first issue

Possibly through ChainRulesCore.jl


Since #3 is too general, I am opening this to track the changes.


**Describe the bug** Stacking arrays of SparseArrays is slow. Similar to JuliaGPU/CUDA.jl#2248. **To reproduce** The Minimal Working Example (MWE) for this bug: ```julia using BenchmarkTools, SparseArrays; N=100; M=1000; x=spzeros(N); x[1]=10.0;...

Hi, very nice library; I have noticed the following: Assume you have a type where you have specified the constructor: ```julia struct Trial x::Float64 Trial(x_::Float64)=new(x_) end ``` If I try...

First I would like to say thank you, I have written my Master Thesis using this package (unfortunately a couple of years ago). Second,I am trying to use this package...

same as #364 MWE: ```julia using Enzyme, Test, SpecialFunctions f1(x) = erf(x)*x @show first(autodiff(Reverse, f1, Active(1.0))[1]) ``` and I get: ```julia ERROR: Enzyme execution failed. Enzyme compilation failed. Current scope:...

more information needed