rc carter
rc carter
thank you @danwallach this is an important issue we plan to address in the 2.0 specification when we want to support ballot expansion / rehydration use cases, which we hope...
These are simple description fields to include things like instructions on the referendum that aren't explicitly part of the official referendum text. I would prefer to keep and and treat...
Thanks @danwallach this is helpful. We've discussed and will certainly adopt these or variations for 2.0. We will unlikely be able to accommodate them for 1.0.
Thank you again good sir. I will see if we can slot this work in with the same work on handling overvotes, which will obviate the need to display placeholder...
welcome @JKnight777 @CodingForFun-coder and @Alopezjr2002 welcome aboard! Please have at it and use this issue for any questions and comments. I'll also send you invites to the [Democracy Forward slack](https://join.slack.com/t/ms-democracy-forward/shared_invite/zt-1c0jobm2b-NTqJqwUUtxfezQXk7IgQyw)
we can defer this