Rob Bygrave

Results 45 issues of Rob Bygrave

Referencing #1951 for outline / motivation which is to improve compatibility with loom. Change PgResultSet replacing synchronized methods with use of ReentrantLock to be compatible with loom. ### Changes to...


Loom project: With Loom there is a current known limitation that means code should ideally avoid performing IO inside a `synchronized` block. The suggestion to make java code "loom...

Edit: ... Currently we can't support both **javax** & **jakarta** versions of JAXB in the same classpath. This looks like a migration issue for library developers. As a library developer...

Refer to #340 ### Create a JsonGenerator.Key ```java JsonProvider provider = ...; JsonGenerator.Key firstNameKey = provider.createGeneratorKey("firstName"); ``` ### Use a JsonGenerator.Key ```java JsonGenerator generator = ...; // we can use...

The methods in Json use `JsonProvider.provider()` and this **re-creates the JsonProvider on each execution**. The javadoc for `JsonProvider.provider()` suggests that the caller should cache the resulting `JsonProvider` and `jakarta.json.Json` does...


Related PR: Related PR in Parsson - # Summary ### Create a JsonGenerator.Key ```java JsonProvider provider = ...; JsonGenerator.Key firstNameKey = provider.createGeneratorKey("firstName"); ``` ### Use a JsonGenerator.Key ```java...

Reference: When looking at JsonGenerator API I do not see a mechanism to support `x-json-stream` type output using the "Line delimited JSON" format. Is there a way to produce...

So given the package change to `jakarta.persistence` I wonder if this is an opportunity to separate the mapping annotations: - from the rest of the API as a separate artifact?...
