Rob Bygrave

Results 45 issues of Rob Bygrave

Documentation that still is missing: @Prototype AOP Aspects Plus [design] documentation for, Why avaje-inject does not have ... Does not have "lazy singleton" Does not have @Value (why we expect...

Hi, So there is a comment in the readme about Ebean OneToMany and "lazy fetch" that I'll just respond to a little bit. Ebean query language allows us to fetch...

For the case where we are building a Docker image we avoid using `war`, `uber jar` or `shade plugin`. - Our `app.jar` only contains the application code and not the...

JVM option `+AggressiveOpts` is not supported with Java 11 ``` ./run -t 8 ser --apis databind --libs dsljson,jackson,avajejsonb ... Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units Serialization.avajejsonb thrpt 20 1585076.847 ±...

Raising this as a discussion point. Very shortly, around Nov 2022 Spring Boot 3 is expected with Java 17 and **_Jakarta.*_** based dependencies. Is that going to work with Ebean?...


Apps depending on the `io.ebean:ebean` composite will still get this as a transitive dependency and will see no effective change but otherwise apps that depend on the platform specific composites...


Referencing for outline / motivation which is to improve compatibility with loom. Change PgStatement, PgPreparedStatement and PgCallableStatement replacing synchronized (this) blocks with use of ReentrantLock to be compatible with...